Master the Human Systems of Your Business
“There is no such thing as an ordinary person. We are all extraordinary but most of us do know it.”
Your greatest asset is your people. Your greatest competitive edge is a high functioning engaged team.
For an organization to achieve its full potential, its leaders must understand the human systems and their impact on team members, the culture, business success and profitability.
Human systems can be defined as: The way people think, feel and relate to themselves and others in the workplace. These factors influence an individual’s ability to lead, succeed, communicate and connect with others.
For change to sustain in any organization, leaders need to be the change they seek in their teams and organization.
The ALIGNED methodology reconnects leaders and teams to their deeper knowing and understanding of the human condition. When people change, so do the ways people do business.
The Human Systems of your organization deeply impact the business you’ve worked hard to build. Healthy engaged employees and successful companies are inextricable. As one goes, so does the other. Mastery and understanding of the human systems of an organization are required for a company to go from good to great.
The Aligned program will help you maximize Individual and Team Performance, Leadership Development & Culture Transformation.
The symptoms of Human Systems issues present in the following ways in your organization:
Lack of clarity or strategic alignment
Power and control struggles
Negative team dynamics
Stress and burnout
Turnover and moral problems
Trust and conflict issues
Lack of commitment and accountability
Poor culture / toxic workplace
Wasted Resources – Time & Money
The cost of people problems in business:
Every system issue has a cost to you, your team and the organization. The cost can be measured and qualified in the following ways:
- Revenue – Profit (Dollars)
- Time (Most Valuable Asset)
- Energy Drain
- Pain & Frustration
- Culture Issues – Negative energy
- Loss of Talent
- Opportunity Cost
“You can manage things, but people deserve to be led. Too often people are over managed and under led.”
What is Alignment?
The secret to all successful relationships is gaining alignment with others by building trust, offering vulnerability, and creating authentic connection.
Someone who lives in alignment acts in direct accordance with their dreams, desires, beliefs, values, mission, and goals. They take their own unique path of success paved by their understanding and living from their true selves.
Our ALIGNED systems, tools and practices cultivate and strengthen authentic, heart-centered relationships amongst team leaders, team members, external partners and clients.
Your greatest asset is your people. Your greatest competitive edge is a high-functioning engaged team.
ALIGNED Opportunities
The ALIGNED methodology is offered in two training tracks: Leaders and Teams. Each of these tracks accelerate soft and hard skills development as well as breakthroughs for both individual leaders and their teams.
ALIGNED members are empowered with an understanding of their own style, barriers and strengths, which can be applied to virtually any development or learning challenge.
We are experts at helping organizations improve and maximize their greatest assets, their people.
We support owners and leaders in the process of understanding and getting the most out of themselves as a leader and learning to better serve their people.
Share your name and email below and one of our coaches will follow up with you!