Chris Sarris
Chris‘ coaching and leadership development practice evolved naturally from his role as an adviser and consultant in business. For 13 years, Chris owned a full services marketing and advertising agency. He acted as an advisor and business strategist to hundreds of companies, their owners, and management teams.
Chris received his coaching education from the Coaches Training Institute in 2003. Since then, he has coached over 12,000 hours with hundreds of individuals and organizations in one-on-one sessions and group facilitation. Chris has also developed a 140-hour training and certification course for coaches and healers who want to work with clients at the soul level of healing and consciousness.
Soul Coaching’s unique approach, teachings and training deliver for coaches and healers well defined process and structure to not only transform and deepen their own Soul wisdom but to also create significantly deeper and more powerful coaching conversations with their clients.
Essentially soul coaching is about waking up. At its core, everything presented is applicable to all humans interested in their evolution and transformation. All will benefit greatly from what is offered in these teachings and approach.
Reach Out to Chris
Want to connect? Reach out to Chris!

Let's Grow Together
Chris has done, and is doing, the hard personal work of becoming a whole person that is necessary to be an authentic leader and empowered healer and coach.
He combines the depth of this journey with his gifts of perception to create a deep and transformational experience for his clients and students and fellow travelers.
Courses Developed by Chris

Soul Awakening
This signature course is designed for seekers looking to ignite or reignite their soul journey.

Coaching For All
This introductory course teaches the foundational tools used in life and soul coaching.

Advanced Coaching
This advanced soul coaching course guides experienced seekers into a deeper practice.
"He is a great communicator and can find rapport and connection with anyone. Chris makes your problems look and feel smaller and helps you see how they can be your teacher and a catalyst for your growth."
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