Soul Awakening
Release Fear. Remember Love.
“There’s no such thing as an ordinary person, we are all extraordinary but most of us don’t know it.”
Soul Awakening is an introductory course to help you recover your soul's unconscious gifts.
This 6-week online course will guide you to uncover the fears and beliefs that keep you stuck and disconnected.
You will dive into your own "soul awakening" and experience an inner-transformation that doesn't easily lend itself well to words. It shows up in your life as deep contentment, a clear mind and embodied energy to act at the right moment.

Applied Techniques
Develop a new skillset for connecting with your intuition and True Self. You'll participate in self-led discovery exercises as well as group discussions.

Interactive Experience
Connect with like-minded souls through our online learning portal. Receive unlimited access to Soul Awakening videos, exercises and guidebook.

Lifelong Transformation
Once you've learned these practices, you'll be able to utilize them for life. This course only continues to unfold over time as you reveal your many layers.
Feelings Buried Alive never die. You must feel it to heal it!
Embodiment is a fancy way of saying being in our bodies. Using our bodies as a way to gauge and get in touch with how we feel & even more importantly to use our body to feel or not feel our experience of life.
Many of us have developed various beliefs and techniques from our childhood regarding not feeling - so embodiment is a process of once again learning to feel.
Unprocessed emotions can have a profound impact on our physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. When we experience intense emotions such as fear, anger, or sadness our bodies respond by realizing stress hormones and activating the sympathetic nervous system which prepares us for the fight, flight or freeze response.
However, if these emotions are not processed or expressed in a healthy way, they can become trapped in the body and have a significant impact on our physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
We will explore healthy ways through breath, body movement, and meditation to process and release stuck emotions to support optimal health, bringing balance and harmony to the body, mind and spirit.

"It's not what we don't know that gets us in trouble, it's what we know for sure that is just not true."
- Mark Twain
Soul Awakening Syllabus
The Soul Awakening course group will meet for 90-minute workshops weekly. The course is a 6-week commitment.
Explore our six learning modules.
Module 1: The Truth
Module 2: The Lie
Module 3: The Shadow
Module 4: The Shift
Module 5: The Remembering
Module 6: The New Beginning
Meet Your Guides

Chris Sarris
Chris received his coaching education from the Coaches Training Institute in 2003. Since then, he has coached over 12,000 hours with hundreds of individuals and organizations in one-on-one sessions and group facilitation.

Jillian Lorenz
Jillian is an entrepreneur passionate about personal and professional growth, bringing innovative tools to individuals and organizations that support them in achieving their greatest potential.
"Chris brings out your soul’s gifts and attunes specifically to your soul’s vibration. He is gifted in his ability to see, know and help you connect to your own clarity and soul’s wisdom. Everyone would benefit from connecting with Chris and the experience of his classes and teachings."
Yoga Teacher

Heal and Release
The knowledge, tools and guidance offered in this course, combined with your soul’s natural wisdom and genius will dramatically shift and transform your experience with reality in just six short weeks.
When living and expressing from your True Self, you become comfortable with and start to embrace the uncertainty of life.
You will trust the unknown and are naturally courageous, open and curious in the face of it. This transformation opens the door to tremendous guidance, creativity, and possibilities for your life and the manifestation of your dreams and heart’s desires.
When you live in this way, you can experience greater health and well-being as well as become a heart-centered leader, teacher and guide for others.

Awaken Power, Love and Your True Self
Everyone is born with unique gifts, talents and creativity. Most of us have forgotten or disowned them. When you discover and express your talents, you create a life of joy, abundance and purpose.
Living from your authentic self not only serves your highest good; when doing so, you become a powerful beacon of truth and love for those around you.
You will, quite innocently and without effort or agenda, support others in connecting to their own truth, love and inner light. You become a way –an example, the change you seek in the world.
You will experience a gentle and powerful transmission of love and human potential that infects the people around you.
Words from Soul Awakening Members
"I have felt more empowered..."
"It's a rebirth of the mind, body and soul..."
"This workshop gave me simple, yet powerful tools..."
"A transforming and empowering experience..."
"In order to grow, you must give up the struggle to remain the same."
- Chris Sarris
Need More Time to Decide?
Get our SoulYou eBook to start your journey for free today.